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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem




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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

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Saturday 23 April 2022

Ashwaganda, potent anti-stress remedy of ayurvedic medicine

Ashwaganda, potent anti-stress remedy of ayurvedic medicine

Medicinal plants continue to play a role very important in the health system of large global populations, such is the case of the India with Ayurveda, an ancient system of traditional medicine, which, along with traditional medicine, China, is regarded by the who as one of the oldest medical systems in the world.

In this context, we find the Ashwaganda (Whitania somnifera) an exotic herb native to Southeast Asia and that has grown especially in India, used for thousands of years in their traditional medicine for its powerful properties to relieve the stress that has been clinically compared the drugs commonly used to treat depression and anxiety. Oral administration of Ashwagandha for five days relieved anxiety in the same way as drugs such as (chemical anxiolytic) Lorazepam or imipramine (an antidepressant).

In addition to its excellent protective effects on the nervous system, the Ashwagandha may be a promising alternative for the treatment of a variety of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's (currently there are scientific publications confirming it).

Ashwagandha has powerful properties on the radical scavenging free, (antioxidant), molecules that are directly involved in the process of aging and many diseases.

Ashwaganda, potent anti-stress remedy of ayurvedic medicineStress, our rhythm of life, all environmental contaminants to which we are exposed, bad eating habits, exposure to non-ionizing radiations (mobile telephony, wifi...), all have a negative impact on our nervous system.

Ashwagandha is not only able to relieve stress, also protects the cells of the brain against the harmful effects of our modern way of life.

Stress creates a toxic environment within ourselves, which is a perfect breeding ground for many diseases, increases free radical accumulation, which produces the peroxidation of lipids in our cells, and decreases the levels of a number of antioxidant enzymes that are part of our own system of Defense (catalase and Glutathione peroxidase).

Ashwagandha anti-stress effects have been checked with numerous studies.

One of them was carried out with mice that 21 days is stressed out to inducing them a small electric shock in the plant of the foot. As a result, it was observed that there was an increase in the levels of SOD (superoxide dismutase) and lipid peroxidation, which indicated that it was producing a response to stress.

However, a group of mice, the who an hour before electrical stimulation were administered different doses of Ashwagandha, showed a reversal of the effects of the stress.

Another study showed that 85% of the cells of the brain of animals subjected to high stress on a permanent basis, with any kind of degeneration, which in the long run can lead to cognitive problems or other diseases. The administration of Ashwagandha in these animals reduced the number of degenerative brain cells by 80%

One of the most comprehensive studies done using Ashwagandha extract in people, (was measured in the plant's capacity to reverse the effects of cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone, is found in high concentration in the blood of people with stress and many of the adverse effects of stress due to the increase in cortisol), were obtained spectacular results: participants reported that they had more energy, they were much less tired, slept better, and had an intense feeling of well-being. It was observed that the plant could reduce cortisol levels up to 26%.

This wonderful plant could solve many psychological problems and health that affect today's society, and which are very related to stress.

The Institute of Natural Medicine of the Faculty of Pharmacy and medicine at the University of Toyama in Japan, since years ago, being conducted extensive research on the benefits to the brain of the Ashwagandha, in their search for ways to get the neuronal regeneration in people with brain injuries by physical trauma, or cognitive impairment or neurodegenerative as dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

The results are spectacular, and at the moment has been that Ashwagandha is able to regenerate damaged areas of neurons, and rebuild the neural networks that allow communication between cells (synapses).

In addition to the documented Neuroprotective effects, it has anticancer activity. It has been shown to inhibit the growth of tumor cells in breast cancer, lung. The most amazing thing is that the inhibition that got Ashwagandha extract was comparable with the drugs used in chemotherapy (doxorubicin) but goes beyond, published clinical study confirms that the content of witaferin, (a specific compound extracted from Ashwagandha), was even more effective in the inhibition of the growth of malignant cells in different types of breast cancer such as colon.

Is it a miracle? No, reality, this plant exists, you can buy it in your shop. I take it. It is wonderful, but not let so many benefits to the pharmaceutical industry, it is much cheaper than any conventional chemical treatment.

Stress is charged a high price on our bodies and our minds.

Many degenerative diseases, as well as premature aging, are associated with a chronic nervous tension, so we have much need of preventing this.

Ashwagandha is a gift of many others that Nature makes to us.

Wednesday 9 March 2022

why is my throat so dry : 5 Home Remedies That Give Relief

why is my throat so dry : 5 Home Remedies That Give Relief

Dry throat is a rather annoying symptom that usually occurs on the coldest days of the year , although it can appear in any season, depending on the cause. How can we moisturize a dry throat?

In general, dry throat appears when it is irritated , due to an infection or some other respiratory disorder such as the flu, cold, and allergies.

why is my throat so dry : 5 Home Remedies That Give Relief

In some cases, dry throat occurs during sports.

In short, there are many occasions in which we feel the need to moisten the throat. Let's see how.

Dry throat: how to find relief?

Dry throat is almost always accompanied by other symptoms such as itching , burning, and even pain.

For this reason, pain relievers are often used to soften the area and eliminate any bacteria. Those who want to resort to natural or do-it-yourself methods can instead try one of these 5 remedies. 

1. Gargle with warm salt water

Salt water to soothe a dry throat.

A simple saltwater blend can help soothe throat irritation and provide hydration. Important: the solution should not be ingested due to its high salt content .


a teaspoon of salt (5 g)

a glass of water (200 ml)


Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in the glass of water and, with a small sip, gargle for 15-20 seconds.

For best results, repeat the treatment several times a day.

2. Onion and lemon tea

Both onion and lemon have antiseptic and antiviral action capable of stopping and fighting bacterial growth in the mouth and throat .

This simple herbal tea that combines both ingredients is a powerful remedy with moisturizing, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties; it is ideal for combating any discomfort and oral dryness.


a liter of water

an onion

a teaspoon of sugar (5 g)

a lemon


Clean the onion, chop it and pour it into a saucepan with a liter of water and a teaspoon of sugar.

Boil the mixture for 10 minutes over low heat, stirring often so that everything is well integrated.

When the herbal tea is ready, slice a clean lemon and add it to the drink.

You can consume up to three cups a day.

3. Honey and lemon

honey and lemon

Honey and lemon have a powerful antibiotic action that can be used in the treatment of infections and diseases such as flu, cough and cold.

Since ancient times, both ingredients have been combined together to relieve all kinds of throat discomfort.


1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g).

½ lemon.


Squeeze the juice of half a lemon , heat it a little and mix it with the teaspoon of honey.

You can consume this remedy two or three times a day.

We also advise you to read: How to infuse honey with herbs to relieve cough and other discomforts

4. Licorice gargling

Licorice works as a good moisturizer for the throat, helping to control symptoms such as dryness, pain and inflammation.

It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can fight the pathogens that frequently cause this discomfort.


ten drops of licorice extract.

a glass of warm water (200 ml).


Dilute 10 drops of licorice in a glass of warm water, take a sip and gargle for 15-20 seconds.

Repeat this treatment two or three times a day.

5. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

This ingredient present in any pantry can be the best ally to reduce throat dryness.

Its antibiotic properties fight the bacteria that cause infections; moreover, it has a slight alkaline effect, that is, it decreases the acidity of the body.


a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 ml).

a tablespoon of honey (25 g).

glass of warm water (200 ml).


Dilute the apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of warm water and consume.

All of these natural remedies can soothe a dry throat, but it is likely to recur depending on the cause .

If the irritation and dryness are due to infections or some type of disease, it is essential to fight them with other treatments to completely eliminate the microorganisms that cause them.

In such cases, it is best to consult a doctor for a correct diagnosis.

Sleep regression: when the baby does not sleep well

Sleep regression: when the baby does not sleep well

After a few months of sleepless nights, the baby finally regulates his sleep schedule. But suddenly he starts waking up in the night and having difficulty falling asleep. What's going on? It could be sleep regression.

Before you panic, know that it is a natural and temporary process; you are not doing anything wrong and nothing is happening to your baby. Find out everything there is to know about this phenomenon and its causes.

Sleep regression: when the baby does not sleep well

As is known, children's sleep changes as they grow up. Night rest becomes longer and more stable, while daytime naps are reduced. However, adjustments can occur in evolution that causes the child to regress to earlier stages. They typically last for two to six weeks, after which the baby's sleep pattern resumes regular functioning.

What is sleep regression?

Sleep regression

Sleep regression is part of the baby's developmental process.

Sleep regression is a setback in childhood sleep patterns. The child, who had already learned to sleep several hours in a row per night, begins to have nocturnal awakenings and difficulty sleeping. In some cases, he may need more time to fall asleep, or he may not be able to fall back asleep after waking up, resulting in daytime naps.

The child is often short-tempered and irritable and requires the attention of mom and dad at any time, maybe just for a hug or because he wants to play.

When parents observe this phenomenon, they often wonder what is happening, since the child has already established a good sleep rhythm. It is part of the growth process.

Why does sleep regression happen?

Sleep regressions can appear at different times in a child's life but are usually linked to important stages in the developmental process. The stages of development are accompanied by disorders that can also affect the rhythm of sleep.

Regressions can occur at four months, as well as at eight, eighteen, or twenty-four. The most striking, however, usually occurs between eight and ten months of age.

If you are currently experiencing this phase with your baby, know that these are some of the main causes:

Changes in the biological rhythm

Sometimes these alterations are a simple consequence of the evolution of the baby's biological rhythm. At around four months, the baby's sleep begins to resemble that of adults.

Therefore, he may have a lighter sleep and tend to wake up when he moves from one sleep phase to another. It also happens to adults, but being autonomous, they get away with it easily. When the baby wakes up, he needs help falling back asleep, especially at the beginning of these changes.

Milestones of development

The milestones of development are the great advances in the growth of the child. Learning to sit, turn, crawl, walk or talk are some of the most important steps.

These acquired skills open up a world of possibilities for children who, as they become more and more independent; consequently are more willing to explore their surroundings and do not easily accept falling asleep again.

Greater energy expenditure

The importance of crawling in the development of children

Developmental milestones, such as starting to crawl, can be a cause of sleep regression.

All these advances mean that the little ones have a greater expenditure of energy during the day and hunger at night. If this happens, they may wake up irritable and demanding and have a hard time falling back asleep.

But going to sleep overly tired at night is also counterproductive. If the baby does not rest during the day, his ability to rest properly when it is finally time for bed may be impaired.


Tooth eruption can also affect sleep. Discomfort, pain, or throbbing gums hamper rest.

Separation anxiety

Finally, separation anxiety can cause sudden awakenings in the child, who will seek contact, closeness even if he has already stopped doing so. This typically occurs after eight months and causes the baby to wake up anxious, tearful, and in need of comfort.

Sleep regression: how to behave?

Sleep regression usually goes away within a few weeks, so be patient. Some measures can facilitate this process, for parents and children:

Make sure your baby eats enough during the day. If it seems to you that he wakes up hungry, instead of feeding him when he wakes up, try increasing his portions a little during the day. Adding fatty and healthy foods to dinner (such as avocado) can also help.

For teething, a refrigerated teether can be a great relief.

Make sure your baby gets adequate rest during the day. Generally, at eight months, two 90-minute naps are appropriate.

Prepare the environment. Make sure the room has a good temperature, is quiet and dark. Some babies sleep better with a small indirect light that allows them to recognize the room when they wake up.

White noise can help your baby fall asleep or fall back asleep.

In short, it is a question of understanding the evolutionary moment that your child is going through and facilitating it as much as possible. Each child has a different temperament and not everyone will experience these changes in the sam

The important thing is to be patient and remember that this is a temporary and natural phenomenon.

Friday 4 March 2022

Naturally cleanse the kidney : 7 home remedies

Naturally cleanse the kidney : 7 home remedies

The kidneys are one of the fundamental organs for life. Their job is to filter toxins and other waste substances from the blood and then eliminate them in the urine. Cleansing the kidneys naturally is a good habit that helps them function properly.

Once filtered, the blood continues its journey to the heart, where it will be distributed to the body's tissues, thus keeping electrolytes and other essential nutrients in balance.

Naturally cleanse the kidney : 7 home remedies

Some bad habits cause a deterioration of kidney function, giving rise to disorders that lower the quality of life. Care should be taken, as kidney damage is initially asymptomatic and is usually detected when it is advanced.

Cleanse the kidneys naturally

For this reason, awareness is growing of how important regular kidney cleansing is, which can be done simply through the consumption of certain foods.

Let's see, below, 7 ways to cleanse the kidneys in a natural, simple and economical way.

1. Coconut water

Daily consumption of green coconut water stimulates urine production and helps replenish lost electrolytes with fluids.

Its properties favor the elimination of retained toxins and reduce the risk of kidney failure and infections.

2. Watermelon

Watermelon is a fruit rich in water and antioxidants that tone the kidneys and support their function .

It has a significant content of vitamins A and C, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium and magnesium.

Regulates urination, facilitates the elimination of heavy metals and strengthens the immune system against infections.

It doesn't make you fat: two cups of pulp only provide 80 calories .

The seeds also have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory action, capable of preventing kidney disease.

A recent study showed that watermelon has the ability to lower calcium oxalate, thus reducing the risk of forming kidney stones. It has also been shown to improve glomerular filtration and have a diuretic effect (in mice).

3. Hemp seeds

The hemp seeds prepared in infusion serve to refresh the renal system and promote the excretion of water , mineral salts, metabolic products and other waste substances that travel through the bloodstream.

To cleanse the kidneys naturally, they can be consumed every day, for a minimum of two weeks in a row.

Hemp seeds to cleanse the kidneys naturally

4. Water

We are often not aware of how many benefits water offers to physical and mental health. This vital fluid participates in metabolic functions and ensures good kidney function .

Consuming about two liters of water per day maintains proper urine output and allows the body to detoxify .

However, too much water is also harmful: too much water could overload the kidney system and trigger negative reactions.

To take advantage of its purifying power, the best way is to drink it lukewarm and on an empty stomach, preferably with a little lemon juice .

5. Celery

Used in smoothies, salads, soups and many other recipes it is a great way to cleanse the kidneys and strengthen their functions.

It consists largely of water and antioxidants that give it diuretic and alkalizing power, favoring the expulsion of waste and kidney stones.

In addition to using it as a food, its properties can be exploited by drinking a cup of its infusion every day.

6. Blueberries

Blueberries are one of the fruits with the highest antioxidant, purifying and diuretic power. They therefore help eliminate toxins retained in the kidneys.

Its properties block the negative action of free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage.

They have antibacterial and astringent action: they alter the ideal environment for harmful bacteria, preventing them from proliferating and causing infections .

Blueberries contain a substance called pterostilbene, which is responsible for most of the beneficial effects of these berries. A study in mice showed that this substance helps reduce kidney fibrosis by inhibiting the activity of some immune cells.

However, those suffering from stones or kidney failure, should consult the specialist before introducing them in the regular diet.

7. Grapes

Grapes are part of the list of diuretic fruits; they are a great option for detoxifying and protecting the kidneys. Its powerful antioxidants prevent cell damage and excessive accumulation of toxic substances.

It is composed of over 80% water, which favors the elimination of liquids, excess mineral salts and toxins.

Cleanse the kidneys: a natural and simple gesture

As you can see, to purify the renal system it is sufficient to introduce some natural and easy-to-use foods into the diet . Consuming them several times a week guarantees an adequate expulsion of waste that alter its correct functioning.

Cleaning the kidneys equals greater well-being and a better quality of life.

Thursday 3 March 2022

Is it possible to increase the volume of sperm?

Is it possible to increase the volume of sperm?

Some men wonder if it is possible to increase semen volume and how to do it. One reason is that this would give greater satisfaction during intercourse. On the other hand, it is possible that they associate the quantity of sperm with a higher probability of conceiving.

Is it possible to increase the volume of sperm?

So let's see how to increase the volume of sperm, without having to resort to extravagant measures or put your health at risk.

Is it possible to increase the volume of sperm?

Thick and abundant semen is considered a sign of good health and virility. This is why, when reduced, some men lose confidence in their sexual potency.

However, a decrease in volume is not unusual. It is normal for it to occur at certain moments in life, due to a number of factors. But if this happens constantly, it can be a good reason to visit the specialist, as it often has medical causes.

Is it possible to increase the volume of sperm? Yes, to achieve this it is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle and follow some very simple guidelines.

How to increase semen volume

To achieve this, you don't need to resort to unusual remedies, stop masturbating, avoid having sex, or take ice cold showers.

Drink more water to increase sperm volume

Sperm is made up of almost 90% water. For this reason it is essential to drink enough water every day, avoiding falling into dehydration.

Low fluid intake negatively affects sexual performance , erection and ejaculation.

The ideal is to consume 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, alone or flavored with some fruit to diversify the flavor.

Soft and alcoholic drinks, and excess coffee should be avoided as they can cause dehydration.

Manage stress

Poor stress management can interfere with sexual health in several ways . Not only does it reduce cravings, but it can also alter the activity of hormones.

Continued exposure to stress is related to low production of testosterone, the sex hormone involved in sperm production. Therefore, the first step is to fight stress.

Improve your diet

Feeding to increase sperm volume

With a good diet, the body works better in all senses. Therefore, it is not surprising that healthy eating is also essential to increase sperm volume.

Another piece of advice is, therefore, to improve your eating habits, in the opinion of your doctor or nutritionist. In general it is good to limit the consumption of:

  • Coffee.
  • Chips.
  • Refined flours.
  • Sausages.
  • Saturated oils and butters.
  • Ultra-processed desserts and foods.

The supplements

If the doctor authorizes it, you can take food supplements of:

  • Zinc.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9).
  • Calcium and Vitamin D.
  • Amino acids (L-carnitine, L-arginine and L-lysine).

Avoid smoking
Smoking and sexual health

Smoking has many negative health effects . In the case of men, one of the consequences is the reduction in the number of spermatozoa and seminal fluid.

The toxins contained in tobacco, in fact, reduce the production of sperm. And, in the long run, they can lead to erectile dysfunction due to their effects on blood circulation.

A healthy lifestyle helps increase sperm volume

Contrary to popular rumors, it is NOT necessary to stop masturbating for long periods of time, take cold showers , or drink herbal remedies to increase semen volume.

In fact, by maintaining healthy lifestyle habits and applying stress control techniques, it is possible to maintain good health in general, even when it comes to sexual health.

Saturday 26 February 2022

How to teach children to be persistent?

How to teach children to be persistent?

"Everyone sees your success, but not your efforts ." This phrase refers to the fact that many times the achievement of the goal blurs or obscures the daily effort; those little steps are called persistence. 

What is it about? When does it develop? How do teach children to be persistent? 

Find out a little more in this article.

How to teach children to be persistent?

What does it mean to be persistent?

Persistence has to do with consistency, perseverance, staying on track. It involves not giving up when things get tough and encouraging yourself to do more by overcoming challenges.

Persistence is also linked to tenacity and effort. It requires a long-term vision, a greater goal, beyond the gratification of everyday life.

It means learning to choose, as many times we have to give up some things. For example, if I want to have a good workout on Saturday morning, I will have to rest well on Friday night, even if I would like to stay at that party until late.

The advantage of being persistent

Persistence has the advantage of going hand in hand with satisfaction. To have reached the goal or at least to have tried.

Along the way, we learn a lot, especially about ourselves. We develop different skills and sometimes we meet new people.

In general, persistence tends to have a positive balance. However, for this to happen, it is always advisable to work on the different emotions involved in the process, to develop a certain tolerance for frustration as well.

What's the benefit of teaching children to be persistent? First, the fact that encountering difficulties along the way will allow them to seek solutions. In this way, they will learn to solve problems, something very useful that they can apply in other fields, such as school.

Teach children to be persistent.

In the transition to school, children must know persistence and know how to use it.

The keys to helping children to be persistent

It is very important to teach children to be persistent, as it is a value that will accompany them throughout their life, in the personal and professional sphere. Here is a small guide for parents:

Help them regulate themselves (so they can do it themselves later). Children need to know that if they are tired or something happens, they can take a break. Perseverance means having continuity, but not at all costs. Sometimes, to move forward, you need to know when to stop. The process must be more valuable and fun than the result itself.

Don't interrupt them. When children are busy with a task, we often interrupt them and ask them to do something else. This de-focuses them and disconnects them from what they are doing; something that goes against the benefit of persistence.

Accompany them. One of the best ways to stimulate perseverance is to think about activities to do together to motivate them and make them feel supported. For example, if your child is very fond of tennis, but he is lazy and does not want to go to class, you can take the opportunity to do an activity in the same club and be of company.

View the goal. If you help them visualize what it feels like to reach a goal, if they can fantasize about that result, they will certainly be more motivated.

Trust is the basis. To teach children to be persistent, they must have self-confidence. But to do this they will have to see that we trust them too. To this end, it is important to have them participate in housework so that they learn to assume their responsibilities. In order not to frustrate them, activities of increasing complexity can be proposed.

Each child has his time. This is essential to understand, as imposing the timing of the adult world at its own pace reflects impatience and causes anxiety.

Congratulate them on their successes and effort. Of course, in addition to praising the achievement, it is also necessary to acknowledge the effort, time and perseverance.

It is good to stimulate the spirit of improvement and growth, but it is equally important to learn how to manage emotions when things do not go the way you want. On the other hand, respect must also be taught to the child. It is not necessary to “pass over the corpses of others” to achieve the objectives. That is, let's educate them in healthy competition.

Mother teaches her son to be persistent.

Accompanying children in their activities is a way to share tenacity with them.

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Don't romanticize persistence in children

It is important to recognize the benefits of persistence, but it must also be recognized that it is often difficult and expensive. Let's talk about it with the boys and girls.

There will be days when it will be much more rewarding to stay in bed than to get up to do homework. They shouldn't feel guilty about it. What we can do is offer them resources and alternatives to motivate persistence and perceive the benefit.

In this sense, it is important that the adults of reference do not feel frustrated or give up in front of the children, as the latter may receive the message that they are not capable. Therefore it is necessary that adults also review the style of education they use on the little ones.

For example, parents with an authoritarian style will tend to frustrate and discourage their children more easily. While those who have a democratic style will be an important source of motivation.

Monday 27 December 2021

Health Benefits of Listening to Music

Health Benefits of Listening to Music

Listening to music is one of the most enjoyable activities we can do. Music is capable of making us feel emotions, rekindling moments, dreaming, thinking, catharsis, creating, having fun, and even helping us to connect with others. Clearly, this is a very beneficial activity, but how do we list all the good things it does for us? Let's see below.

Health Benefits of Listening to Music

Listening to music is effective in pain relief

  • Slow music helps to slow breathing and heartbeat, preventing feelings of distress.
  • It can reduce chronic pain from a variety of painful conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.  In fact, music therapy is part of treatment programs for this type of patient.
  • It often helps people with migraines. It helps to combat chronic headaches and reduce the intensity and duration of chronic headaches, as indicated by this research published in the Jan magazine, in 2016.

  • Therefore, it can be said that music therapy is commonly used in hospitals to:
  • Reduce the need for medication during labor.
  • Reduce post-operative pain.
  • Complement the use of anesthesia during surgery.

This is because music serves as a distraction, gives a sense of control, and causes the body to release endorphins to counteract the pain.

lowers blood pressure

By listening to relaxing music in the morning and evening, people with hypertension can lower their blood pressure and keep it down. This follows from a study published in the Cuban Journal of Psychology in 2003.

Speeds up recovery after a stroke

As Ávila deduces from a study published in 2014, a daily dose of your favorite music can speed recovery from bleeding or debilitating paralysis.

When stroke patients listen to music for a few hours a day, verbal memory and attention span usually improve.

Boosts your immunity

Scientists explain that music can create a deep, positive emotional experience that leads to the secretion of hormones that boost the immune system. This, in turn, helps to reduce the factors responsible for the disease. 

Likewise, listening to music can also lower levels of the stress-related hormone cortisol. Higher levels of cortisol can lead to a decreased immune response.

Music produces an increase in several hormones: serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin.

Increases memory and learning performance

Listening to music or playing an instrument can promote learning.

In the case of Mozart music and baroque music, they activate the left and right brain. Simultaneous left and right brain action maximize learning and information retention.

On the other hand, studying activates the left hemisphere, while the music activates the right hemisphere of the brain.

Also, activities that are nested on both sides of the brain, such as playing an instrument and singing, make the brain better able to process information.

Increases concentration and attention

As stated by Tobar in an article published in Revista EducAcción in 2013, relaxing music improves the duration and intensity of concentration. This also happens at all ages and skill levels.

Improves movement and body coordination

Finally, music reduces muscle tension and body movement and improves coordination. It also plays an important role in the development, maintenance, and restoration of physical function in the rehabilitation of people with movement disorders.

In short, music is a cultural phenomenon that directly influences our mood. Listening to music also activates parts of our brain in ways that are beneficial to our health. Lastly, it causes us to release endorphins, which always make us feel better.

Saturday 25 December 2021

Cooked or raw foods? What is better to consume?

Cooked or raw foods? What is better to consume?

Cooked or raw foods? What is better to consume?

Currently, there is an open controversy among proponents of eating raw or cooked foods. Both food choices have advantages and disadvantages and garner a large number of followers from both "factions". The arguments presented by each position are broad and in this article, we will try to make a small summary.

Cooked or raw foods? Benefits

Raw food

Raw foods

  • Among the arguments in favour of raw food, there is certainly the greater amount of nutrients that this type of diet offers, some of which are lost with cooking. According to an article published in the International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, this would depend on the type of cooking the food is subjected to.
  • Choosing not to cook food saves time and energy resources.
  • Finally, raw foods are believed to be more digestible and do not make you drowsy after eating.

Cooked foods

  • Those in favour of cooking food argue that this process kills bacteria in the food, thereby preventing various potential diseases.
  • The fibres of some foods tend to soften during cooking, which would improve digestion.
  • The cold is also fought by cooking food, which helps our metabolism to be more efficient.
  • On the other hand, cooking helps eliminate the antinutrients of some plant foods, which are substances that hinder or prevent the absorption of nutrients. However, we have not found any data to prove this position.

Disadvantages of both positions

The downside is that raw foods can cause bacterial disease if not washed well Additionally, some people complain of bloating and stomach upset when consuming large portions of raw food. Although raw foods can be refreshing in the summer, they can feel cold in the winter.

Careful handling of food is important to avoid cases of cross-contamination Attention should be paid to hygiene and food storage.

Proponents of raw food argue that cooking is expensive and time-consuming In addition, in general, the consumption of oils and fats to accompany cooked foods also increases which could negatively affect health and fitness.

Cooking food would worsen the absorption of nutrients since the consumption of cooked food would alter the intestinal mucosa (responsible for the correct absorption of nutrients). But on this point, it should be made clear that we have not found a scientific basis.

What do Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine think?

Both disciplines agree that food must adapt to the characteristics of each person and the season of the year in which we find ourselves. Our diet does not have to be the same in the summer as it is in the winter.

The most important thing, from this point of view, is to be able to make an observation and an objective analysis of ourselves, of our characteristics. This means that if we are hot and active people it might be better to increase raw food intake. Conversely, if we suffer from the cold a lot, we are likely to benefit most from the inclusion of cooked foods in our diet.

Tuesday 21 December 2021

5 citrus waters that help you lose weight

5 citrus waters that help you lose weight

There is no magic formula that can help burn fat overnight

thanks to their properties, they can help increase energy expenditure and therefore lose weight

5 citrus waters that help you lose weight

5 citrus glasses of water

Citrus waters: grapefruit

One serving of grapefruit (150 grams) provides just 43 calories and good amounts of fibre, calcium, iron and folic acid which help prevent constipation and other digestive problems.

It also has a high concentration of vitamin C and antioxidants that promote the oxidation of fats and give a feeling of satiety.


  • 1 grapefruit
  • 1 bunch of watercress
  • ½ glass of water


  • Put a peeled, seedless grapefruit in the blender, along with a bunch of watercress and half a glass of water.
  • Work all the ingredients until they are well integrated, add the ice and enjoy.


composed of 94% water and provides only 17 calories per 100 grams.

contains flavonoids, which improve the functions of the digestive system.

Take advantage of the benefits of lime by preparing a non-alcoholic cocktail "Shirley Temple" (in honour of the child actress and later US diplomat)


  • 35 ml of grenadine
  • 14 ml of lime and lemon juice
  • 85 millilitres of water
  • 2 cherries
  • Ice to taste


  • Mix all the ingredients in a large glass, shake and decorate with cherries. Add ice to taste and enjoy at any time of day.


a large number of antioxidants that help improve digestion and the body's ability to lose weight.

To reap the benefits and enhance the effects, you can prepare this drink with tangerine and green tea.


  • 200 ml of tangerine juice
  • 50 ml of green tea
  • Ice to taste


  • Prepare the green tea infusion. When it has rested for 5 minutes, mix it with the tangerine juice. Add ice before serving and garnish with a mandarin wedge.


helps reduce blood cholesterol (LDL) levels.


  • ½ litre of cold water
  • ½ litre of orange juice
  • 250 ml of cranberry juice
  • 100 ml of lemon juice


  • In a large jug pour the three juices and water and, after mixing, serve with ice to taste.


on the list of foods that provide the most vitamin C

it has high antioxidant power and a large amount of dietary fibre. One cup provides only 46 calories.


  • Blueberry juice
  • 1.8 l of water
  • 200 g of strawberries
  • 20 ml of yellow lemon juice
  • Mint leaves
  • Ice to taste


  • Blend all the ingredients in the blender.
  • Enjoy this citrus water three times a day and add a few mint leaves for a more refreshing touch.

Natural remedies to eliminate head lice

Natural remedies to eliminate head lice

By infesting the head, head lice can multiply, seriously damaging the scalp and making it possible to be infected. Here it can be useful to know the natural remedies to eliminate lice.

Especially the little ones are exposed to head lice and especially little girls due to their long hair. While it's a common problem, it doesn't mean it shouldn't be given importance.

Head lice take up residence in the scalp and attach themselves so hard that it is sometimes difficult to get rid of them. Females lay nits which turn first into larvae and then into lice.

Natural remedies to eliminate head lice

If they are not eliminated immediately, the head will be infested with these unsightly insects in no time. Let's see how to intervene.

9 natural remedies to get rid of head lice

At the pharmacy, you can buy many products to eliminate lice from the scalp. However, there are also very effective natural remedies.

Obviously, always remember to consult your doctor first and carry out an allergen test if necessary to prevent the child from having an allergic reaction to the product. Let's see below some natural remedies to eliminate head lice.

1. Eucalyptus


The effectiveness of this remedy is demonstrated by a study conducted by the University of Concepción (Chile). However, it is recommended that you consult your pediatrician or dermatologist before applying it to your baby.

A few eucalyptus leaves should be boiled in a liter of water, then left to cool and applied to the head. Massage and spread from roots to ends. This is a simple but effective remedy for head lice.

2. Garlic among the natural remedies to eliminate lice

This advice is not scientifically proven, which is why we advise you to use it with extreme caution and only after consulting your doctor. In fact, garlic could irritate the scalp. However, if you want to try it and you are not allergic, you can apply it in the following way:

  • Chop a clove of garlic and add half a liter of water. Let it rest for a few hours and then pass it through a colander.
  • With the liquid obtained, massage the scalp and cover the head with a plastic cap or a bag. You can do this before going to bed and remove the headphones the following day to increase the effects. That way, it won't steal your time during the day.

3. Lavender essence

According to research from  Insect Research & Development Limited (Cambridge), it is possible to use lavender oil against lice.

The oil must be handled with gloves, as it can cause allergies or discomfort in the hands. It is a very effective liquid for fighting these insects.

4. Baby oil among the natural remedies to eliminate lice

This remedy is also not supported by scientific evidence, so you should consult a doctor first.

This oil is never missing at home. Pass it over the lice-infested head and cover it with a cap for a few hours. Wash your hair well with shampoo and repeat after a week.

5. Apple cider vinegar is among the natural remedies to eliminate lice

Apple cider vinegar is among the natural remedies to eliminate lice.

According to a study by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, this remedy is one of the most effective for eliminating head lice.

Just mix warm water and vinegar, apply to dry hair from roots to ends. If you see that the lice and nits have not been 100% eliminated, you can repeat the treatment several times to achieve the desired result.

6. The rue against lice

Rue is believed to help with lice, but there is no research to support this thesis. It is advisable to consult a specialist first.

If successful, proceed by boiling some rue leaves in a liter of water. Filter and massage the scalp with the liquid obtained. Cover with a cap and wait a bit before rinsing.

7. Olive oil

Again there is no evidence to support the effectiveness of this remedy. If you still want to try it, apply 4 tablespoons of olive oil on the head and cover it with a cap for a few hours. This treatment asphyxiates the lice. Repeat this several times a week for the best results.

8. Perfumed alcohol?

In addition to not being effective, this remedy can be very dangerous. Its application is not recommended despite its fame among natural remedies to eliminate lice.

9. The balm against lice

Woman combing her hair

There is no evidence to support this remedy, but you can still try it safely. Since the conditioner softens the hair, the use of the comb should facilitate the elimination of lice by making them slide off easily.

Additional recommendations for preventing a lice infestation

The following tips may help you in preventing lice and getting rid of them permanently after they appear:

  • Wash sheets and towels often.
  • Tell the children not to exchange soft toys, hats, combs, hair ties, and other personal items with classmates.
  • Leave hair cutting as a last resort.

Diets for healthy weight loss

Diets for healthy weight loss

Although several diets allow you to lose weight healthily, it is always best to check each case individually with the help of a nutritionist. Only in this way will it be possible to obtain a diet designed according to individual needs.

The most famous diets are not always the most sustainable in the medium and long term, or they are completely harmful to health. For this reason, in today's article, we present 3 diets to lose weight in a healthy way, whose sustainability is guaranteed.

Diets for healthy weight loss

In the next few lines, we will go into detail on these diets currently considered healthy. Take note!

3 diets for healthy weight loss

Following a correct diet is essential for achieving a healthy and balanced weight. In this sense, it is advisable to follow diets that guarantee the supply of all nutrients. Furthermore, as a study published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences reports, it is equally important to reduce calorie intake.

The nutritional and energy requirements of each individual, however, vary according to age, lifestyle, and state of health. Therefore, even if in the next few lines we present 3 slimming diets currently considered among the healthiest, it is advisable to consult a nutritionist, who will help you choose the diet that best suits your needs.

1. Ketogenic diet

Although this diet has been the subject of controversy in the past, it is currently considered one of the best options for weight loss. The above is supported by research published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

The mechanism is simple: minimize carbohydrates. It is a diet that does not limit quantities, but only a certain group of foods. Being able to eat without limits in terms of volume makes it easier to follow her.

The difficulty lies above all in the first weeks, during which you can run into a sort of sugar withdrawal syndrome, which is eliminated. However, once this effect disappears and if the diet is well planned, following it becomes easier.

It is a diet that is absolutely safe for health in both the medium and long term, as long as the recommended daily amounts of protein are not exceeded: 0.8 g / kg of body weight. Some changes make it easier to use, such as limiting carbohydrates from a certain time of day.

Ketogenic diet
The ketogenic diet aims to minimize carbohydrates. For this reason, it is currently one of the most popular diets for weight loss.

The ketogenic diet aims to minimize carbohydrates. For this reason, it is currently one of the most popular diets for weight loss.

2. Intermittent fasting between diets for healthy weight loss

It consists of alternating long periods of fasting (at least 16 hours) with others in which food intake is allowed. According to a review published in the Annual Review of Nutrition, intermittent fasting is good for health in the medium and long term, as it promotes weight loss and can also improve metabolic health.

Thanks to the hormonal system, which regulates the appetite hormone (ghrelin) immediately after waking up, it is easy to follow. A useful strategy is to drink coffee on an empty stomach to induce satiety and make the fasting period more bearable.

To maximize results, it can be paired with a ketogenic diet or a carb restriction from a certain hour onwards. There are several protocols, but the least restrictive and which works best is 16: 8, which involves skipping breakfast or dinner. Others provide for a full day of fasting every 2 or 3 days.

3. Diet of the sea

It is a version of the Mediterranean diet that prefers the consumption of fish over meat, according to a study published in BMC Public Health. It does not include the consumption of bread as an accompaniment, nor of wine as a "heart-healthy" drink.

It is a common diet in the Nordic countries and guarantees adequate levels of vitamin D thanks to the consumption of oily fish and dairy products. Vegetables are an indispensable element and carbohydrates do not form the basis of the food pyramid. As fats, mainly oils and nuts are used, although it is also possible to include avocado.

To improve results, you can combine it with intermittent fasting. Plus, it's a heart-healthy diet. It is important to vary the type of fruit and vegetables, as well as the type of fish (preferring the blue one to the white one).

Sea diet
The advantage of this type of diet is that it is a variant of the Mediterranean diet. Therefore, it is simpler to follow.

The advantage of this type of diet is that it is a variant of the Mediterranean diet. Therefore, it is simpler to follow.

3 diets to lose weight in a healthy way: which is the best?

Of these 3 diets, probably the most difficult to follow is the ketogenic diet. In our country, the use of bread as an accompaniment and the consumption of carbohydrates is quite frequent. Consequently, limiting its consumption can generate some initial rejection. Also, during the first few days, you may experience episodes of fatigue until you get used to ketosis.

The sea diet can therefore be the most practical and easy to follow alternative. It bears a reasonable resemblance to the Mediterranean diet, except the increased consumption of fish and the lesser importance given to cereals. On the other hand, it greatly reduces alcohol consumption, which is a more than effective weight loss

Monday 20 December 2021

10 foods that keep us awake and active

10 foods that keep us awake and active

There is nothing better for resting your mind than sleeping. However, our activities force us to get up early, just when we would like to stay in bed for a little longer. If the first thing you think about is to prepare one or more cups of coffee, know that some foods keep us awake and help us face the day well.

They are healthy, energetic, provide nutrients and substances that improve concentration. Instead, according to the Mayo Clinic, caffeine consumption should be limited, as high levels can be bad for your health. The advice is not to exceed four cups of coffee or two energy drinks per day.

10 foods that keep us awake and active

In this list, you will find, instead, 10 foods that keep us awake because they provide substances necessary for concentration and daytime activity.

The importance of feeling active

When we work or study for a long time without being able to take a nap, the brain gets tired and loses focus. For many, the day is tiring and the performance is not what it could achieve.

On the other hand, it is proven that keeping the brain and body active leads to a better quality of life, better relationships, greater initiative and independence. Mental health plays an important role in this, but so does diet.

Some nutrients have been proven to increase concentration, fight stress, improve cognitive processes and keep us active.

10 foods that help you stay awake

Do you feel fatigued? Renew your diet and include the following foods that keep us awake without the need to consume too much caffeine. This will make it easier to overcome the after-lunch energy drop.

1. Oats

Oats are cereal with recognized health benefits. According to nutritionists, the main reason for considering it a functional food is its high levels of soluble fibre, such as beta-glucan.

The presence of this fibre determines the glycemic index (GI) of oats, which is how quickly the blood sugar level rises. Much depends on the form in which it is consumed: for example, rolled oats have a GI of 53, which is considered low. But in instant oatmeal, the value is 75.

A cup of oatmeal for breakfast helps the body maintain adequate blood sugar levels throughout the day. This way, you get the energy you need to stay active and improve performance.

2. Banana

Banana is a fruit rich in carbohydrates and energy. When ripe, the starch turns into simple sugars which are quickly absorbed. Sucrose, glucose and fructose are the most present sugars, so when you feel weak or tired and have a lot of work to do, try eating a banana to get 100 more calories.

This is also the reason why it is an ideal fruit to consume before a sporting event. Furthermore, a single banana can provide 23% of the potassium of our daily requirement.

According to research, bananas provide 41% of the daily requirement of vitamin B6, a substance that helps improve mood in depressed people. Vitamin B6 is made up of 3 molecules: pyridoxine, pyridoxamine and pyridoxal. It participates in the metabolism of various neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline.

3. Vegetables and fruit

Fruits and vegetables contain more than 95% water, especially endive, celery, onion, eggplant, cucumber, melon, orange, strawberries and peaches. This amount of water is important because it keeps us hydrated.

Additionally, fruits and vegetables are rich in fibre, vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and antioxidants. Never consume them at night, as they can interfere with sleep!

4. Pineapple

Pineapple contains enough tryptophan to stimulate brain activity, generating vitality and calming anxiety. Tryptophan is an amino acid precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that acts as a natural antidepressant.

Not all foods contain it. Among the natural antidepressants, pineapple is highlighted as a stimulant of physical well-being and an ally against depression. In addition, it offers energy from simple carbohydrates such as sucrose, fructose and glucose. These properties put it on the list of foods that keep us awake.

5. Foods rich in protein

A scientific article published in the journal Advances in Nutrition reminds us that protein-rich foods take a long time to digest and therefore increase satiety. This allows you to stay active for several hours.

On the other hand, a protein-rich meal helps you get a good night's sleep. In this way, we will wake up with more energy in the morning and feel less tired in the afternoon.

The most protein-rich foods are eggs, meat, legumes, seeds, nuts, yoghurt, and popcorn. Some can be used as an afternoon or mid-morning snack.

6. Seasoned or fermented foods

During the maturing process of some cheeses, such as blue cheese, gouda, brie and parmesan, amino acids are released from the proteins. One of them is tyrosine, which will later form the biogenic amine tyramine This amine stimulates the release of norepinephrine, a brain activator that can keep you awake.

Other tyramine foods are sour cream, yoghurt sauerkraut, cured meats, and fermented foods. In the mid-afternoon, eating a piece of aged cheese can help fight sleep.

Tyrosine is present in citrus fruits, kiwis, red meats, sausages, tea and coffee and is used as a precursor to neurotransmitters that keep us awake and active.

Try to accompany a piece of cheese with kiwi juice.

7. Green smoothies

The ingredients that green smoothies are made from, such as spinach, contain enough iron to allow some of it to be absorbed into the blood. Our body needs this element to produce haemoglobin and myoglobin, substances that carry oxygen to the organs.

If you combine green smoothies with fruits rich in vitamin C, such as guava and grapefruit, it also promotes the absorption of iron. With an optimal haemoglobin level, the body functions better and fatigue decreases.

8. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is considered the purest of all chocolates, as it contains more than 75% cocoa. It is a stimulating product, as are coffee, tea, mate and guarana. It contains to lesser extent caffeine and other methylxanthines, such as theobromine and theophylline.

The mechanism of action is due to its ability to block a brain modulator called adenosine, which promotes sleep. In this way, chocolate keeps us awake as well as provides cardiovascular benefits. But remember that we are talking about dark chocolate, not that mixed with milk and sugar.

9. Dried fruit

Dried fruit is an important source of protein, so it produces satiety. It also contains fibre, B vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fats and natural antioxidants. Its healthy fat content provides energy but should be eaten in moderation.

According to research, moderate daily consumption of nuts could improve cognitive function. Dried fruit also contains tryptophan.

10. Sources of healthy fats

Not all fats are harmful. Omega-3 fatty acids offer benefits that include good brain development, better memory, and increased performance. Possible options include salmon, walnuts, chia seeds and flax seeds.

Some studies show that frequent consumption of healthy fats improves symptoms of depression and anxiety. Other studies have shown that adding more omega-3 fatty acids to the diet can improve memory and performance in children.

Toast some seeds or nuts for your snacks: this allows you to concentrate some vitamins and its flavour will be even more palatable, especially for the little ones.

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