Friday 4 March 2022

Naturally cleanse the kidney : 7 home remedies

The kidneys are one of the fundamental organs for life. Their job is to filter toxins and other waste substances from the blood and then eliminate them in the urine. Cleansing the kidneys naturally is a good habit that helps them function properly.

Once filtered, the blood continues its journey to the heart, where it will be distributed to the body's tissues, thus keeping electrolytes and other essential nutrients in balance.

Naturally cleanse the kidney : 7 home remedies

Some bad habits cause a deterioration of kidney function, giving rise to disorders that lower the quality of life. Care should be taken, as kidney damage is initially asymptomatic and is usually detected when it is advanced.

Cleanse the kidneys naturally

For this reason, awareness is growing of how important regular kidney cleansing is, which can be done simply through the consumption of certain foods.

Let's see, below, 7 ways to cleanse the kidneys in a natural, simple and economical way.

1. Coconut water

Daily consumption of green coconut water stimulates urine production and helps replenish lost electrolytes with fluids.

Its properties favor the elimination of retained toxins and reduce the risk of kidney failure and infections.

2. Watermelon

Watermelon is a fruit rich in water and antioxidants that tone the kidneys and support their function .

It has a significant content of vitamins A and C, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium and magnesium.

Regulates urination, facilitates the elimination of heavy metals and strengthens the immune system against infections.

It doesn't make you fat: two cups of pulp only provide 80 calories .

The seeds also have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory action, capable of preventing kidney disease.

A recent study showed that watermelon has the ability to lower calcium oxalate, thus reducing the risk of forming kidney stones. It has also been shown to improve glomerular filtration and have a diuretic effect (in mice).

3. Hemp seeds

The hemp seeds prepared in infusion serve to refresh the renal system and promote the excretion of water , mineral salts, metabolic products and other waste substances that travel through the bloodstream.

To cleanse the kidneys naturally, they can be consumed every day, for a minimum of two weeks in a row.

Hemp seeds to cleanse the kidneys naturally

4. Water

We are often not aware of how many benefits water offers to physical and mental health. This vital fluid participates in metabolic functions and ensures good kidney function .

Consuming about two liters of water per day maintains proper urine output and allows the body to detoxify .

However, too much water is also harmful: too much water could overload the kidney system and trigger negative reactions.

To take advantage of its purifying power, the best way is to drink it lukewarm and on an empty stomach, preferably with a little lemon juice .

5. Celery

Used in smoothies, salads, soups and many other recipes it is a great way to cleanse the kidneys and strengthen their functions.

It consists largely of water and antioxidants that give it diuretic and alkalizing power, favoring the expulsion of waste and kidney stones.

In addition to using it as a food, its properties can be exploited by drinking a cup of its infusion every day.

6. Blueberries

Blueberries are one of the fruits with the highest antioxidant, purifying and diuretic power. They therefore help eliminate toxins retained in the kidneys.

Its properties block the negative action of free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage.

They have antibacterial and astringent action: they alter the ideal environment for harmful bacteria, preventing them from proliferating and causing infections .

Blueberries contain a substance called pterostilbene, which is responsible for most of the beneficial effects of these berries. A study in mice showed that this substance helps reduce kidney fibrosis by inhibiting the activity of some immune cells.

However, those suffering from stones or kidney failure, should consult the specialist before introducing them in the regular diet.

7. Grapes

Grapes are part of the list of diuretic fruits; they are a great option for detoxifying and protecting the kidneys. Its powerful antioxidants prevent cell damage and excessive accumulation of toxic substances.

It is composed of over 80% water, which favors the elimination of liquids, excess mineral salts and toxins.

Cleanse the kidneys: a natural and simple gesture

As you can see, to purify the renal system it is sufficient to introduce some natural and easy-to-use foods into the diet . Consuming them several times a week guarantees an adequate expulsion of waste that alter its correct functioning.

Cleaning the kidneys equals greater well-being and a better quality of life.

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