Tuesday 21 December 2021

Natural remedies to eliminate head lice

By infesting the head, head lice can multiply, seriously damaging the scalp and making it possible to be infected. Here it can be useful to know the natural remedies to eliminate lice.

Especially the little ones are exposed to head lice and especially little girls due to their long hair. While it's a common problem, it doesn't mean it shouldn't be given importance.

Head lice take up residence in the scalp and attach themselves so hard that it is sometimes difficult to get rid of them. Females lay nits which turn first into larvae and then into lice.

Natural remedies to eliminate head lice

If they are not eliminated immediately, the head will be infested with these unsightly insects in no time. Let's see how to intervene.

9 natural remedies to get rid of head lice

At the pharmacy, you can buy many products to eliminate lice from the scalp. However, there are also very effective natural remedies.

Obviously, always remember to consult your doctor first and carry out an allergen test if necessary to prevent the child from having an allergic reaction to the product. Let's see below some natural remedies to eliminate head lice.

1. Eucalyptus


The effectiveness of this remedy is demonstrated by a study conducted by the University of Concepción (Chile). However, it is recommended that you consult your pediatrician or dermatologist before applying it to your baby.

A few eucalyptus leaves should be boiled in a liter of water, then left to cool and applied to the head. Massage and spread from roots to ends. This is a simple but effective remedy for head lice.

2. Garlic among the natural remedies to eliminate lice

This advice is not scientifically proven, which is why we advise you to use it with extreme caution and only after consulting your doctor. In fact, garlic could irritate the scalp. However, if you want to try it and you are not allergic, you can apply it in the following way:

  • Chop a clove of garlic and add half a liter of water. Let it rest for a few hours and then pass it through a colander.
  • With the liquid obtained, massage the scalp and cover the head with a plastic cap or a bag. You can do this before going to bed and remove the headphones the following day to increase the effects. That way, it won't steal your time during the day.

3. Lavender essence

According to research from  Insect Research & Development Limited (Cambridge), it is possible to use lavender oil against lice.

The oil must be handled with gloves, as it can cause allergies or discomfort in the hands. It is a very effective liquid for fighting these insects.

4. Baby oil among the natural remedies to eliminate lice

This remedy is also not supported by scientific evidence, so you should consult a doctor first.

This oil is never missing at home. Pass it over the lice-infested head and cover it with a cap for a few hours. Wash your hair well with shampoo and repeat after a week.

5. Apple cider vinegar is among the natural remedies to eliminate lice

Apple cider vinegar is among the natural remedies to eliminate lice.

According to a study by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, this remedy is one of the most effective for eliminating head lice.

Just mix warm water and vinegar, apply to dry hair from roots to ends. If you see that the lice and nits have not been 100% eliminated, you can repeat the treatment several times to achieve the desired result.

6. The rue against lice

Rue is believed to help with lice, but there is no research to support this thesis. It is advisable to consult a specialist first.

If successful, proceed by boiling some rue leaves in a liter of water. Filter and massage the scalp with the liquid obtained. Cover with a cap and wait a bit before rinsing.

7. Olive oil

Again there is no evidence to support the effectiveness of this remedy. If you still want to try it, apply 4 tablespoons of olive oil on the head and cover it with a cap for a few hours. This treatment asphyxiates the lice. Repeat this several times a week for the best results.

8. Perfumed alcohol?

In addition to not being effective, this remedy can be very dangerous. Its application is not recommended despite its fame among natural remedies to eliminate lice.

9. The balm against lice

Woman combing her hair

There is no evidence to support this remedy, but you can still try it safely. Since the conditioner softens the hair, the use of the comb should facilitate the elimination of lice by making them slide off easily.

Additional recommendations for preventing a lice infestation

The following tips may help you in preventing lice and getting rid of them permanently after they appear:

  • Wash sheets and towels often.
  • Tell the children not to exchange soft toys, hats, combs, hair ties, and other personal items with classmates.
  • Leave hair cutting as a last resort.

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