Tuesday 21 December 2021

Diets for healthy weight loss

Although several diets allow you to lose weight healthily, it is always best to check each case individually with the help of a nutritionist. Only in this way will it be possible to obtain a diet designed according to individual needs.

The most famous diets are not always the most sustainable in the medium and long term, or they are completely harmful to health. For this reason, in today's article, we present 3 diets to lose weight in a healthy way, whose sustainability is guaranteed.

Diets for healthy weight loss

In the next few lines, we will go into detail on these diets currently considered healthy. Take note!

3 diets for healthy weight loss

Following a correct diet is essential for achieving a healthy and balanced weight. In this sense, it is advisable to follow diets that guarantee the supply of all nutrients. Furthermore, as a study published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences reports, it is equally important to reduce calorie intake.

The nutritional and energy requirements of each individual, however, vary according to age, lifestyle, and state of health. Therefore, even if in the next few lines we present 3 slimming diets currently considered among the healthiest, it is advisable to consult a nutritionist, who will help you choose the diet that best suits your needs.

1. Ketogenic diet

Although this diet has been the subject of controversy in the past, it is currently considered one of the best options for weight loss. The above is supported by research published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

The mechanism is simple: minimize carbohydrates. It is a diet that does not limit quantities, but only a certain group of foods. Being able to eat without limits in terms of volume makes it easier to follow her.

The difficulty lies above all in the first weeks, during which you can run into a sort of sugar withdrawal syndrome, which is eliminated. However, once this effect disappears and if the diet is well planned, following it becomes easier.

It is a diet that is absolutely safe for health in both the medium and long term, as long as the recommended daily amounts of protein are not exceeded: 0.8 g / kg of body weight. Some changes make it easier to use, such as limiting carbohydrates from a certain time of day.

Ketogenic diet
The ketogenic diet aims to minimize carbohydrates. For this reason, it is currently one of the most popular diets for weight loss.

The ketogenic diet aims to minimize carbohydrates. For this reason, it is currently one of the most popular diets for weight loss.

2. Intermittent fasting between diets for healthy weight loss

It consists of alternating long periods of fasting (at least 16 hours) with others in which food intake is allowed. According to a review published in the Annual Review of Nutrition, intermittent fasting is good for health in the medium and long term, as it promotes weight loss and can also improve metabolic health.

Thanks to the hormonal system, which regulates the appetite hormone (ghrelin) immediately after waking up, it is easy to follow. A useful strategy is to drink coffee on an empty stomach to induce satiety and make the fasting period more bearable.

To maximize results, it can be paired with a ketogenic diet or a carb restriction from a certain hour onwards. There are several protocols, but the least restrictive and which works best is 16: 8, which involves skipping breakfast or dinner. Others provide for a full day of fasting every 2 or 3 days.

3. Diet of the sea

It is a version of the Mediterranean diet that prefers the consumption of fish over meat, according to a study published in BMC Public Health. It does not include the consumption of bread as an accompaniment, nor of wine as a "heart-healthy" drink.

It is a common diet in the Nordic countries and guarantees adequate levels of vitamin D thanks to the consumption of oily fish and dairy products. Vegetables are an indispensable element and carbohydrates do not form the basis of the food pyramid. As fats, mainly oils and nuts are used, although it is also possible to include avocado.

To improve results, you can combine it with intermittent fasting. Plus, it's a heart-healthy diet. It is important to vary the type of fruit and vegetables, as well as the type of fish (preferring the blue one to the white one).

Sea diet
The advantage of this type of diet is that it is a variant of the Mediterranean diet. Therefore, it is simpler to follow.

The advantage of this type of diet is that it is a variant of the Mediterranean diet. Therefore, it is simpler to follow.

3 diets to lose weight in a healthy way: which is the best?

Of these 3 diets, probably the most difficult to follow is the ketogenic diet. In our country, the use of bread as an accompaniment and the consumption of carbohydrates is quite frequent. Consequently, limiting its consumption can generate some initial rejection. Also, during the first few days, you may experience episodes of fatigue until you get used to ketosis.

The sea diet can therefore be the most practical and easy to follow alternative. It bears a reasonable resemblance to the Mediterranean diet, except the increased consumption of fish and the lesser importance given to cereals. On the other hand, it greatly reduces alcohol consumption, which is a more than effective weight loss

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