Tuesday 19 October 2021

Tablet-addicted children: millennial children

In the case of digital children, the line between addiction and normal use of technologies is very thin. So how do you know if your child is addicted to the tablet?

If you are wondering if your children are tablet addicts, it is because you have probably noticed that they get angry when you remove their tablet or the battery runs out.  tablet-addicted children? Read on to learn more.

Tablet-addicted children: millennial children

Technology has never been closer than in recent years. For this reason, it is very common to observe little boys and even very young children with mobile devices always in hand. It is no coincidence that today's children belong to the so-called digital generation.

The intuitive design of electronic devices and the many activities they can perform in them reinforce children's desire to use them whenever possible. However, this situation can be aggravated if we don't teach them to regulate the time and use of mobile phones and tablets. How to prevent and combat the phenomenon of tablet-addicted children ?

What is technology addiction?

According to scientific research, addiction  is a problem characterized by the loss of control over a behavior  that causes various consequences; furthermore, the resistance to the impulse to perform this behavior is difficult.

In the case of new technologies, normal use can be good for young people and children. However, it can be said that a child is addicted to the tablet when the time spent with this device interferes with all areas of his life.

The time spent with the tablet can compromise other activities, such as family coexistence, school performance, social relationships, etc., turning the child into a slave to technology.

"Any kind of addiction ultimately supposes an attack on freedom, that is, a clear problem of addiction."

Tablet-addicted children: the factors

According to the specialists, the dependence on new technologies is not a simple process that we can summarize as “being constantly hooked to technological devices”.

In reality , children become tablet-addicted due to the combination of several factors, gradually . We describe them briefly below.

Genetic factors

On many occasions, genetic and neurobiological vulnerability can influence the onset of addictive behaviors. For example, if your family has members with addictive behaviors or neurotransmission imbalances, the little ones in the household are likely to develop them too.

Characteristics of the personality

Some behaviors can lead to addiction. These include emotional instability, high levels of impulsivity, and low frustration tolerance. Low self-esteem and social skills deficits can also occur.

Family atmosphere

It is more than proven that family dynamics directly influence the development of children. Factors such as family dysfunctions, socioeconomic problems, poor attention to children, educational styles, or ignorance of the dangers of technology abuse, can trigger addictive behaviors in children.

Mental disorders

Sometimes the child is addicted to the tablet due to other health problems, such as mental disorders. This is known as a dual pathology, and only an expert can make more accurate diagnoses.

However, major depressive disorder, social phobia, attention deficit disorder, and hyperactivity are common in cases of technology addiction.

Difficult events

Stressful situations or emotional crises in childhood can be a step towards technological addiction. These experiences include the loss of a loved one, school harassment or failure, physical or sexual abuse, etc.

The symptoms of technological addiction

How can we talk about tablet-addicted children? According to an article on addiction to new technologies and social networks in young people, there are some red flags. We describe them briefly.

  • They sleep little or their sleep hygiene is impaired. For example, they sleep less than five hours a day or go to bed very late and get up late.
  • They neglect important activities. These include those relating to family, school or health care.
  • Cannot limit the connection time.
  • They lie  about the time spent on electronic devices.
  • They feel a sense of irritation when they don't have access to the internet or the device.
  • Social isolation and low school performance.
  • They get grievances from friends or family for time spent in front of their computer, mobile or tablet.

What to do with tablet-addicted children?

In the previously cited article it is emphasized that the relationship between child and new technologies must be modeled so that it is healthy and positive. Here are some recommendations to prevent the development of technological addictions in little ones:

  • Children under 2 years old should not use electronic devices.
  • Control the gradual exposure to the tablet.
  • Establish rules on use and hours in front of electronic devices.
  • Do not prohibit the use of the tablet in general, but suppress it during family reunions, lunches or dinners.
  • Avoid using the tablet in rooms with closed doors.
  • Promote hobbies and other activities such as reading, playing sports, cultural or team activities.
  • Encourage and stimulate communication in the family .
  • Share the time between parents and children while the tablet is being used, and lead by example.
  • Avoid entertaining children or silencing them with electronic devices.

Consult an expert

Some of the tips presented are only effective for preventing addiction. If you look at certain factors and symptoms, your children are probably already tablet addicts. It is vital to seek professional help.

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