Sunday 17 October 2021

Foods that are good for the eyes

The good health of the eyes depends on a number of factors and, no doubt, the way we eat has a big impact in this direction , after all it is through food that we can eat the necessary nutrients for our body to function well. 

Foods that are good for the eyes

To ensure that your visual system gets what it needs, like Vitamins A, C, E and omega-3s, you can start consuming more of the items we've listed below, as these are all foods that are good for the eyes and can Easily be part of a healthy eating plan that will fit into your family budget. These are natural foods, without preservatives, flavoring and trans fats.

Green leaves and vegetables

When thinking about the salad you will make with lunch, remember this tip: green leaves, such as kale and spinach, as well as broccoli, have an antioxidant effect because they are sources of nutrients such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which alleviate degeneration that the eyes naturally suffer with advancing age. 

citrus fruits

Lemon, orange, strawberry and pineapple, in addition to being delicious, are fruits rich in vitamin C , which help to improve our defenses against colds and flu and, to our delight, are important for the health of our eyes. This is due to the antioxidants in these fruits, which work to prevent diseases such as glaucoma.

Linseed and Chia Seeds

The flax is one of the richest sources of omega-3 vegetable fatty acids, as well as the seeds of chia. They are great for the health of blood vessels connected to the retina and for the prevention of Dry Eye Syndrome. In addition to being easily incorporated into any diet.

Orange and red food

Are you going to say that you've never heard anyone say that eating carrots is good for the eyes? And it's not just that: other orange colored foods are also indicated for eye health care. Among them, we highlight: pumpkin, papaya, tomatoes and sweet potatoes.

All of them are sources of beta-carotene, a substance that indirectly helps in the absorption of vitamin A, responsible for the proper functioning of the retina and all parts of the eyes.

Onion and garlic

Sources of vitamins B and C, calcium and phosphorus, both garlic and onion help to adjust blood pressure, a factor that directly interferes with visual health.

Linseed oil and olive oil

When it comes to seasoning salads or sauteing some foods, simply choosing one of these two types of oils is something that can already improve your health. Both flaxseed oil and olive oil are great sources of omega-3 and vitamin E, which keep your eyes hydrated, also preventing Dry Eye Syndrome and macular degeneration.


Look, you can even make an avocado pâté recipe with all the items on the list: olive oil, onion, garlic, tomato and lemon. Have you ever thought about how it should look good? Well, the truth is that avocado is an extremely nutritious and healthy fruit. Rich in good fats, avocados are also a source of lutein, which protects against macular degeneration and cataracts. The antioxidant glutathione, which is also present in avocados, prevents premature aging.

whole grains

Present in a variety of foods, whole grains are easily found in breads, cookies, pastas and flours for the preparation of various recipes. Rich in manganese, which helps prevent cataracts, whole grains are excellent antioxidants and help the whole body function, including the digestive system.

In addition to improving your diet by incorporating these items, other lifestyle changes are also related to eye health, so it is also important that you practice physical activities, consume plenty of water so that your whole body is hydrated and, of course, visit an eye doctor regularly to check on your eye health.

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