Saturday 16 October 2021

7 benefits of carambola to include fruit in your diet

7 benefits of carambola to include fruit in your diet

Carambola is a fruit originally from India introduced in Brazil in 1817. The fruit comes from a small tree, the carambola, and contains several beneficial properties for health. The benefits of this food and understand the ideal amount of consumption and contraindications.

7 benefits of carambola that will encourage you to consume this fruit

To begin with, the professional explained in more detail the health benefits of carambola. Check out:

  • Controls cholesterol: 

Izabella explained that the fruit helps reduce the absorption of fat from food. Thus, it controls total cholesterol and helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL);

  • It helps to prevent diabetes: 

“because it has enough fiber, it reduces the absorption of carbohydrates from other foods, having a hypoglycemic action”, said the nutritionist;

  • It improves intestinal functioning: 

the professional explained that “due to the amount of fibers in the carambola and because it has prebiotic action, this strengthens the beneficial bacteria to the body, improving intestinal transit”;

  • It can help with colds and flu: 

Izabella also said that carambola is rich in vitamin C, so it reduces these infections in the body and strengthens the immune system;

  • It favors weight loss: 

as it is a fruit that has few calories, with plenty of fiber and water, it generates satiety, helping in the weight loss process;

  • It helps to control blood pressure: 

according to the nutritionist, "because it has a hypotensive action, it regulates blood pressure and contributes to blood pressure control";

Prevents the formation of tumors and some cancers: in addition to all the benefits already mentioned, Izabella added that star fruit also has antioxidant properties, which improve immunity and help prevent tumors.

This food is beneficial for health, but be aware of excesses: according to the nutritionist, the ideal amount for consumption is one carambola a day.

Is the carambola bad?

Despite having several benefits, but “star fruit is bad for people with kidney problems, because it contains caramboxin (a toxic substance). So, those who have changes in the kidney, have difficulty eliminating this substance, and may have symptoms such as hiccups, vomiting, mental confusion, seizures and may even lead to death”.

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