Saturday 16 October 2021

5 morning habits for a more productive day

5 morning habits for a more productive day

Waking up early is a lot of people's nightmare, but this may just be a common reaction from those who haven't found a purpose to be more active in the early hours. One thing is certain: your morning habits determine your entire day. But getting up early is also not a magic formula that will give you energy to do all your tasks. The secret is to find a routine that fits your reality and makes you happy. Don't blame yourself if you just can't get up early to run a to-do list before your appointments. The answer may even lie in your genes. Some research has shown that some people function better in the morning, while others are biologically more productive at night.

The question is: what are you doing for yourself in the early hours of the day? Putting off getting out of bed, getting ready in a hurry before work, and skipping essentials like breakfast can all leave a feeling that you're not enjoying life. So, it's time to rethink some practices and open up to new possibilities that will help you be more productive.

#1 Get a good night's sleep

Don't leave the quality of your sleep aside. A bad night's sleep influences mood, concentration on daily tasks and even the willingness to learn new things. Review your habits and change the ones that can keep you from sleeping better. It's important that you maintain a pattern of sleeping and waking times, especially on weekdays. Your diet at night also greatly influences your sleep: prefer light foods so that you don't have a heavy stomach, as fatty foods have a slower digestion. Also avoid using electronic devices late and try to slow down little by little before going to sleep.

#2 Wake up earlier and with less pressure

Take control of the clock in the morning! In addition to not having to rush through things and giving up important tasks, waking up early allows you to see your day's appointments and plan better. If you want to get up early, however, you'll need to organize yourself to go to bed earlier the day before. This is also a way to avoid being abruptly impacted by the alarm clock, especially if you like to get up calmly and have a few minutes to orient yourself.

#3 Spend time for yourself

Having some self-care practice right after waking up can dictate your pace throughout the day. By including this habit in your life, you open doors to take care of your physical and mental health. Keep in mind that it's doing something for you and it doesn't cover perfection. You can use this time to read a book and stimulate your brain or do some physical activity to move your body.

#4 practice meditation

Meditation is an ancient knowledge that is not only linked to relaxation and well-being. Different studies have proven that the practice helps the individual to sleep better, deal with stressful situations and improves immune function. In addition, meditation can aid memory and reduce your focus on tasks that require more attention, according to research conducted by the University of California, Santa Barbara. Use the act of “breathing in and out” so that you don't hold onto any thoughts and start with shorter periods: 5 minutes is enough to start the day with a new purpose.

#5 Discover the pleasure of a good breakfast

If you have the habit of leaving the house without having breakfast, it is time to rethink this habit in your life. Biologically, our body needs to receive the energy it needs for the day's tasks, so the first meal is just as important as lunch and dinner. If you have a more sensitive stomach in the morning, try starting with light foods such as fruit, yogurt, and fresh juices. Now if you don't eat this meal just out of habit, make breakfast a moment of pleasure. Set up a table with scrambled eggs, wholegrain breads, cheese, fruit and jam (or whatever else you prefer) to receive essential nutrients in a balanced way.

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