Saturday 11 September 2021

Drinking water promotes health benefits you can't even imagine. See some!

Drinking water promotes health benefits you can't even imagine. See some!

Water is an essential substance in the life of any living being. With summer approaching, the intake of this liquid becomes even more necessary in our routine: either to keep us hydrated or to quench our thirst on the hottest days. The best thing is that, in addition to not having calories, water is capable of promoting several benefits for our body, some of which are already known; others not so much. Are you curious? The Mild Care tells you the advantages that this liquid can bring to our lives next!

Water aids in the absorption and transport of nutrients, and also regulates the intestine.

Few people know, but water has very important functions in our body. With it, it is possible to ensure that nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals , are absorbed and properly transported to our body's cells. This is possible because water makes our blood less dense, facilitating the transport and absorption process.

Another important point is that the ingestion of liquid lubricates the intestinal walls and, consequently, helps in the peristaltic movements of the intestine. In practice, this means that water also facilitates the digestion process, as it helps in the formation of fecal cakes and reduces the chances of gas formation.

Drinking water helps make your skin more beautiful and healthy

A hydrated skin is definitely more beautiful skin, and water plays a very important role in that goal. The liquid is able to revitalize the cells of our body, making them firmer and eliminating possible toxins that can harm the skin's health. In addition, hydration can also hide some imperfections, such as the dreaded wrinkles, and even reduces the appearance of cellulite. On the other hand, those who are not used to drinking a lot of water tend to have more flaccid skin and lack the same vigor.

Those who drink a lot of water are less likely to develop kidney problems

The best way to protect yourself from kidney stones and other kidney problems is to drink plenty of water. As is known, the organ plays an important role in our body, which is to filter and excrete nutrients considered unnecessary, such as sodium, urea and other body toxins. Therefore, drinking water allows the kidneys to function more efficiently and without overload. This is what helps prevent the formation of crystals that can turn into kidney stones.

Another of the benefits of water: the liquid helps you lose weight

First of all, it's important to keep in mind that water alone can't make anyone thinner - but it can be a great ally. Ingesting the liquid promotes a greater feeling of satiety, which makes a person eat less and, consequently, have more chances to lose weight. It can even be said that drinking a glass or two of water before lunch helps control your appetite, for example. But remember: the practice of physical exercise is also fundamental in this process.

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