Friday 3 December 2021

Water lily: how to grow it in the garden pond

If you have a garden with a pond that you want to decorate naturally, the water lily is an option you should consider. These types of plants are easy to care for and are beautiful, so anyone who visits your garden will be happy. In this article, we will tell you about its origin, care, and cultivation. In this way, you will have the arguments to decide whether to plant it or not.

Water lily: how to grow it in the garden pond

The water lily ( Nymphaea spp ) attracts attention because it has beautiful flowers. It is native to Asia and Africa but has spread all over the world. Being aquatic, it grows very well in any pond, lagoon, or swimming pool as long as the water remains calm.

These plants, in fact, attract attention because they have the ability to grow in stagnant water formations, even if they are not the cleanest. These are called wild water lilies and their roots can reach up to 5 meters in length.

Parts of the water lily

The structure of the water lily is simple, although very resistant. We identify the following parts:

  • Leaves: yes, in the plural because it is not just one as many think. This plant has large, serrated leaves that grow underwater, and others that float in the water and complete their development when they emerge to the surface. The latter is smaller than the former.
  • Flowers: they are hermaphrodites and have numerous stamens and petals. They are beautiful and have a variety of colors.
  • Rhizome: it is the submerged stem, which is characterized by being thick and it is the one that takes root on the bottom of the pond or lagoon where it is located.

Water lily care

Although water lilies are very hardy, we must offer them basic care so that they develop properly. Contrary to popular belief, the most delicate part of the plant is the roots. When we grow or transplant our specimen, we must be very careful because, with damaged roots, the plant will die easily.

Among other things, water lilies need us to clean the aquatic formation where they are found and to offer other treatments such as pruning. We tell you more in the following lines!

Requires warm climates

There are two types of water lilies: the perennials that grow best in temperate climates and the day or night flowering water lilies, which grow best in tropical climates. In any case, the best climate for growing water lilies is hot, as low temperatures do not allow for good development, because the sun keeps the water warm.

The white water lily is the exception

The white water lily is the exception to the rule because it is frost-resistant. It is one of the most common and stands out for its beauty and aroma, very similar to the scent of roses.

It must be planted carefully

Being such a delicate plant, the planting process requires a lot of care, considering its fragility increases out of the water. To make the process successful, we share some simple instructions.

  • Planting in the ground first: we plant the water lily in a small pot with holes on the surface and place the roots inside and with fertilized soil. Then, we immerse the pot in the pond or lake, making sure that it does not come off or that the earth comes out.
  • Give priority to lighting: remember that the pond or the part where we put the plant must have ample lighting, only in this way the growth will take place correctly.

Without nitrogen and chlorine

The compost we use with our plant should be low in nitrogen and the water should be chlorine-free. We can also use rainwater to make sure it's not contaminated. When we go to the nursery, we tell the seller that we need supplies for our water lilies and he will certainly recommend some special fertilizers.

Reproduction of the water lily

If our water lilies have developed very well and we want to reproduce them, we should divide the rhizomes. The white water lily, for example, is pulled out of the water between April and May and cut with a sharp knife. We disinfect the cutting with a little crushed coal or ash.

Each part must have incipient shoots, which must be placed in the sowing containers that must be prepared in advance. Once ready, we put them in larger containers that we should fill with water with the seedlings. Those water lilies that are ready should be dried in the sun and left to root in the rays.

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