Tuesday 30 November 2021

Tips for finding daily motivation

Motivation is required to achieve results in sport, exercise, or any discipline that requires commitment. These allow us to increase our performance and to achieve our goals. In this article, we will talk about the importance of finding stimuli.

Tips for finding daily motivation

Motivation is defined in psychology as a series of internal "steps" aimed at achieving a goal. It is configured as a constant stimulus in pursuing actions that respond to our will and which aim to achieve the goal we have set ourselves.

Sometimes the motivation arises by itself, without having the need to look for it. At the beginning of a path, it is easier to keep it, but as the difficulties increase, the first problems begin. Finding a constant stimulus is always a dilemma. This is why alongside a "general" motivation we must find a "daily" motivation that allows us to move forward.

back and shoulder exercise

There are many ways to find daily motivation, look for the ones that suit your personality the most and make you feel better. The important thing is to find ways not to abandon your goal. Try the following motivational "tricks":

Listen to your favorite music

Music has been shown to increase sports performance. The key is to select those songs that make you feel full of energy. Choose the ones you like best and that best suit the sport you are doing. For example, if you intend to do quick exercises, listen to music with a fast rhythm, if you do some stretching, listen to less rhythmic music.

You can prepare different playlists for your workouts, so you won't get bored of hearing the same thing over and over. We suggest that you listen to the music a few minutes before starting your workout in order to get into the right atmosphere. You will be able to choose songs with encouraging lyrics, this will allow you to have an extra boost.

Find motivation in what surrounds you

Being repetitive can be harmful. Therefore do not always look for motivation in the same things, look around you and get involved in new situations, in this way you will avoid monotony.

Simple changes such as training in a different place than usual, exercising at dawn or taking a walk in the mountains can open up a new world from which to draw all the motivations you want. Each place is different and hides secrets to be discovered.

Get involved in your discipline

One of the best ways to find daily motivation is to be passionate about what you choose to do and fully involved in doing it. Don't just practice discipline, live it! In this way, you will be able to get the most out of the sport you practice, be it swimming, running, or Crossfit.

There are many factors that will give you the right push and that will increase the passion for what you do. From clothing to specific accessories for your sport, from watching videos of professionals to joining groups that share tips and tricks.

Everything is useful to immerse yourself in the chosen activity and have small motivations every day without having to look for them elsewhere.

Look for positive thoughts

Everything starts in your mind. If you think positively everything is likely to be fine. Being happy and motivated will help you be successful and keep the "good vibes". Surround yourself with positive people and energetic environments.

To be motivated using "positive thinking" you must not allow external elements to negatively affect your mood. You are in control of your thoughts. You have two possible choices to strengthen your positivity:

  • Reading phrases, notes, or parts of texts that inspire or increase the "good" vibrations. You can also find them on the internet and you can print or hang the ones you like best in your room.
  • Keep small notes in a jar in which you will have jotted down the reasons why you want to achieve your goal. These personal notes can keep your motivation alive.

Seeking daily stimuli is important to achieving any goal. It is up to you to create and hold that energy that will lead you to do amazing things. Being motivated will give you a different vision of life and sports practice. Never give up! Now is the time to express 100% of your potential.

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