Monday 15 November 2021

3 foods to boost the immune system

Diet can improve the function of the immune system, but care must be taken as it can also make it worse. Therefore, it is important to know which foods help to increase the immune defenses, in order to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases caused by microorganisms that circulate in the environment.

3 foods to boost the immune system

At a sporting level, the improvement of the immune function translates into a consequent improvement in performance in the medium term. This is achieved by carrying out the largest number of high-intensity work sessions, without interruptions. It is evident that an adequate diet is essential in all disciplines.

Foods to boost the immune system

In this article we will tell you which are the best foods to increase the immune system. It is recommended that you include them regularly in your diet in order to enjoy their many benefits.


Peppers stand out above all for their antioxidant and vitamin C content. This nutrient helps improve the functioning of the immune system, according to research published in the journal Nutrients. High levels of vitamin C in the body are related to a lower risk of developing the common cold, as well as a shorter duration of associated symptoms.

Likewise, the antioxidants contained in peppers help keep inflammation in the body under control. When this mechanism is activated in a functional way, the number of inefficiencies at the organic level is reduced, which has a positive impact on the health of the individual and on the functioning of the immune defenses.

Dried fruit

The dried fruit is very healthy food because it contains protein and unsaturated fatty acids type. Regular consumption of dried fruit is associated with a lower incidence of cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. In addition, it is rich in micronutrients, in particular iron, calcium and zinc.

The latter has the ability to select the cells of the white series, which are those that contribute to the functioning of the immune system. This is demonstrated by a study published in the journal Nutrients .

This ensures a much more efficient homeostasis and reduces the number of random mutations in the genetic material. Zinc is also able to exert an anti-inflammatory action.

Citrus fruits

Fruit included in the citrus group also has the ability to increase the body's immune defenses. On the one hand, citrus fruits have a significant concentration of vitamin C. On the other hand, citric acid exerts an antimicrobial action thanks to its pH, which allows the destruction of some pathogenic microorganisms that cause health problems.

However, it is important to avoid consuming them in the form of juice, as this wastes most of the nutrients they contain, and the same happens with fiber. Instead of these nutrients, all the simple sugars dissolved in water, too aggressive for the functioning of the pancreas, are consumed .

The juice of citrus fruits has a considerable impact on glycemic levels that can negatively affect metabolic health in the medium term. In short, fruit should always be eaten whole, in a natural way.

Other ways to increase defenses

In addition to emphasizing food intake to increase the defenses we have talked about, it is also essential to take care of other lifestyle habits that can affect its functioning. For example, it is recommended to engage in physical activity on a regular basis, which also allows you to maintain a good state of body composition.

Ensuring adequate rest is also essential. During sleep, many processes of recovery and maintenance of homeostasis take place. When we don't sleep enough hours, the risk of contracting infectious diseases and developing chronic long-term health problems is greater.

Why is including defensive foods in the diet so important?

By regularly introducing foods to increase the immune defenses in the diet, the chances of contracting infectious diseases, i.e. caused by microorganisms, are reduced.

We also recommend avoiding ultra-processed foods rich in simple sugars to keep inflammatory processes under control. In fact, if we don't keep them in check, immune function could be compromised.

Finally, you need to have healthy lifestyle habits, such as exercising regularly and getting enough sleep. Balance in body composition status will also be a key factor if you want to boost your immune defenses.

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