Sunday 10 October 2021

How to act if someone who lives in the same house is infected with the coronavirus?

How to act if someone who lives in the same house is infected with the coronavirus

Covid-19 manifests itself differently in each person. Despite the common early-stage symptoms, usually flu-like, the illness has many ways of developing in the human body. Researchers around the world are seeking to understand how this action is and possible sequelae that may arise in the long term. This is precisely why there is an even greater concern about the spread of the virus. There are still many questions regarding security measures. See some care tips in case any resident of the house is infected by the virus.

All residents of the house must be quarantined

With a high capacity for contamination, some people may have a completely asymptomatic condition, while others may have stronger symptoms. In both situations, the virus can be transmitted. In a pandemic scenario, extra care must be taken to prevent more people from being infected by the virus. If you or a family member have symptoms to any degree or test positive for coronavirus, everyone in the household should be quarantined for at least 14 days—approximate virus incubation period.

The same is true if you have had contact with an infected person, even if you have no symptoms. In this case, it is important that you do not leave the house at all, not even to go to the supermarket or pharmacy, preferring to buy everything by delivery.

Sick person must be isolated in a room

If one of the residents is infected with the coronavirus, he should be isolated to prevent other people in the house from being infected. As already said, it is not worth taking the risk of catching the disease, as it can manifest itself in different ways in each organism. The sick person needs to stay in an airy room with good natural light and just go out to the bathroom (if you have more than one bathroom at home, it's a good idea to reserve one for them). Someone from the house will be responsible for taking food in the isolated room, always wearing a mask and properly sanitizing their hands. The patient should not share personal items with the rest of the house and it is recommended to separate glasses and cutlery during the isolation period .

Extra care to avoid coronavirus contamination among residents

It is not impossible to avoid contamination between residents of the same house, as long as the basic care indicated by the health authorities is respected. The mask is a strong ally in preventing the disease and should be used if there is circulation in common areas of the house, changing it every 3 hours. The item needs to cover the mouth and nose to remain effective. Hugs and close contact between residents should be avoided, especially if there are elderly people and people in the risk group in the same house . In addition, attention to hand hygiene and surfaces such as faucets and doorknobs must be redoubled.

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