Tuesday 21 September 2021

5 Signs From Your Body That Indicate Low Immunity

5 Signs From Your Body That Indicate Low Immunity

Low immunity is most often associated with the flu , but there are many other signs that indicate problems in the immune system. Responsible for defending the body against bacteria, viruses and fungi, this system is present throughout the human body in the form of cells and molecules. The immunological action is able to keep the body free from tumors, infections and other serious diseases.

Many aspects can impair the perfect functioning of this system, including genetic factors and changes in metabolism. Age is also a determining factor, as children and the elderly are more prone to infections. Another very important issue is the lack of nutrients: lack of vitamins and minerals can lead to low immunity. But before researching foods with vitamin C to include in your diet , it's important to be aware of the signals your body gives. See below and find out how to identify!

5 symptoms of low immunity

  • excessive tiredness

If you feel tired that doesn't go away even after a good night's sleep, there may be something wrong with your body. In addition to being a sign of thyroid problems , excessive physical and mental fatigue can be linked to changes in the immune system. This type of fatigue can disrupt life on many levels, hampering productivity and paving the way for stress.

  • Tonsillitis

The tonsils are structures that protect the body from the invasion of micro-organisms that enter the body through the mouth. Air, food, beverages and hand contact, for example, can carry viruses and bacteria into the body. To combat this, the tonsils activate a protective function, which can generate inflammation in this structure. Tonsillitis, therefore, is a manifestation that your body is defending itself against something foreign.

  • Insistent flu

You know that persistent flu, which lasts for weeks, or the flu-like flu-like symptoms that come and go? This could indicate a drop in immunity. It is normal that, during the process of protecting the body against infection, the immune system has its performance impaired when it comes to activating the defense against other viruses and bacteria.

  • Otitis

A more persistent flu can trigger otitis, so frequent earaches can be related to low immunity. Usually caused by a virus or bacteria, it presents itself when the immune system is unable to expel the microorganism.

  • Candidiasis

At least 55.7% of women will experience the discomfort of vulvovaginal candidiasis once in their lifetime, according to studies. The fungus is naturally present in the human body and can find, in low immunity, the ideal scenario to proliferate. Itching, excess discharge, and pain are some of the signs of the problem in the genitals, but fungus can also be present in the skin, throat, and mouth.

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