Thursday 2 September 2021

4 ways to help protect children from Covid-19 when going back to school

4 ways to help protect children from Covid-19 when going back to school

Face-to-face learning at school brings many benefits to both students and parents. But when the risk of the Covid-19 epidemic remains, epidemic prevention measures must be a top priority.

To ensure that children are safe from Covid-19 when returning to school, everyone needs to take the following measures:

Get enough vaccines

The mandatory measure when children return to school, at any level, is for teachers and all school staff to be vaccinated. Reports show that the majority of children infected with Covid-19 are spread by adults, according to The Conversation.

Authorities in California (USA) once recorded an outbreak of Covid-19 at an elementary school. At that time, a teacher was infected with Covid-19 and was still teaching. Although in the classroom, this teacher wore a mask and stood 2 meters away, but many students were still infected.

Currently, many countries around the world are preparing to vaccinate children . This can greatly reduce the risk of the disease spreading when children return to school.

All wearing masks

While the Covid-19 epidemic is spreading, masks are inseparable. When schools reopen, all students, teachers and everyone present in the school must wear masks.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends wearing a mask for children 2 to 3 years old. Because at this age, wearing a mask is no longer a problem for childre

In order for children to obediently wear masks, parents should choose masks with colors, characters or interests of the child, such as masks printed with superheroes, spiders or cartoon characters that the child favorite.

In addition, parents should clearly explain to the child what it means to wear a mask. Children need to wear a mask to prevent the virus from infecting the body.

Classrooms are airy

The classroom needs to be opened, from the main door to the window, to let the air flow. If there is a fan in the room, turn it on. This will help the air circulate better.

In case the classroom does not have a window, a portable air purifier can be used. All of these ways will greatly reduce the amount of virus in the classroom, reducing the risk of spreading if unfortunately someone is infected with Covid-19.

Reduce the number of students

Another way to reduce the risk of infection is to reduce the number of students gathered in a classroom. In some countries, when weather conditions permit, many schools organize outdoor learning for students. Because when studying outdoors, the airy space will help the risk of Covid-19 infection be much lower than studying in the classroom, according to The Conversation.

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