Tuesday 7 September 2021

10 tips for healthy weight loss

10 tips for healthy weight loss

It's not all about losing weight! You have to choose the right method to ensure that your health doesn't go down the drain either.

Some of the alleged weight-loss diets can be dangerous to your health and have side effects that are not immediately visible. Most of the 'quick recipes' are not durable and many others are not even effective. In this regard read our article on fad diets and their risks .

For this reason, we use the website staywowlife.com , the official blog of the National Program for the Promotion of Healthy Eating, of the General Directorate of Health, to learn about the basic principles of a balanced diet to lose weight. These recommendations enhance your weight loss success and ensure your health is enhanced.

Take note of these 10 tips for healthy weight loss.

1. Losing weight impacts health

Sudden weight swings, associated with unsuccessful diets, can be more dangerous than maintaining extra weight. Only move forward if you have the motivation and the right team to take the first step.

2. Confirm your motivation to lose weight

Weight loss involves serious day-to-day and long-term changes. First, reflect if you are motivated and if you are able to change your diet and physical activity. Also think about the barriers that may arise and how to overcome them.

3. Move forward with the support of those who know

Have a prior conversation with a health professional duly accredited, for example, by the Association of Nutritionists or Doctors. Successfully losing weight implies an individualized plan and careful and careful follow-up by a specialist for several months.

4. Involve your family and friends

Family support in the weight loss process is vital, as it facilitates the acquisition of healthy lifestyle habits and prevents relapses. For example, always having healthy food at home for everyone and organizing family walks can be a big help.

5. Pre-assess your habits

The further you get away from your daily routine and your preferences, the more difficult it will be to successfully prolong a 'diet'. You should split the various meals throughout the day, not forgetting breakfast and carefully anticipating unexpected situations, such as weekends or parties.

6. Be wary of monotonous diets or 'miracle' products

A meal plan that includes only soup, only fruit or that is very monotonous is dangerous in the medium term, as it reduces the availability of essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the organism. Unfortunately, there is still no substance or medicine capable of, on its own, making weight loss effective, long-lasting and without health risks.

7. Increasing physical activity is decisive

If you have support at the level of physical activity, the chance of success increases. Sometimes, the company of other people with the same goals is crucial. For weight loss and maintenance, it is recommended to practice at least 30 minutes a day (150 minutes a week) of physical activity, trying to make a gradual progression to 60 minutes a day (300 minutes a week) of moderate-intensity exercise, aerobic activity , at least 5 days a week.

8. Set realistic deadlines and goals

Reject impossible goals. For those who are overweight, the gradual loss (0.5 to 1 kg per week) of 5 to 10% of the initial weight already brings health benefits and is a realistic goal.

9. Change your lifestyle

The food environment around us is sometimes the biggest obstacle to healthy eating. Adequate hydration is essential, so try to have water with you at all times. Opt for mixed or whole-grain bread whenever possible. If you're hosting a party for children, provide fruit in an appealing way and avoid easy access to foods with low nutritional value, such as cakes, cookies, desserts.

10. Prepare and don't get discouraged

Remember that in any process of changing habits, success can take some time. There will certainly be several stages of discouragement and failure in which you will feel like giving up. Talk to your healthcare professional and learn to deal with these moments. After all, it is intended that you have less weight, but above all that you have better health and learn to like your body.

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