Sunday 31 October 2021

What does the delta diet consist of?

The delta diet has very little, if any, influence on the pH of the body. What is it and what are its positive effects?

What does the delta diet consist of?

The delta diet is a weight loss and health improvement program based on the need to balance the body's pH. In this article we will tell you in detail what it consists of, as well as the method for its preparation. However, it is important to point out that it does not enjoy the support of scientific evidence.

The first thing to clarify is that a good diet is based on the predominance of fresh food over ultra-processed industrial products. It is difficult to question this principle, no matter what diet we talk about. With this in mind, there are several ways to create a successful meal plan in terms of adherence, weight loss, and health improvement.

The delta diet promises to vary the pH

As we stated earlier, the delta diet aims to achieve greater alkalinity in the body through the consumption of foods that have a basic pH.

However, according to a study published in the Journal of Renal Nutrition , the kidneys are very efficiently responsible for maintaining acid-base homeostasis. There is no evidence that the delta diet can have a significant impact on this process, at least as far as blood pH is concerned.

Despite this, it is true that we can obtain a variation in the acidity of the urine by making significant changes in the diet. Just consider that the overall health effects of this effect are unclear.

Therefore, the delta diet starts from a wrong premise. This does not mean, however, that it is not beneficial to health. In fact, its advantage lies in the combination of foods.

Prioritize the consumption of fresh food

One of the pillars of the delta diet is the need to eat fresh foods as opposed to ultra-processed ones, something absolutely beneficial to health. In this way, it is possible to reduce the intake of simple sugars and trans fats, which are able to negatively affect the functioning of the metabolism and health, according to research published in the journal Pediatric Obesity .

By eating fresh food, we ensure the right amount of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. All of these are necessary for the physiology of the human body to develop properly, without alterations.

Therefore, one of the main guidelines of the delta diet is to avoid sweets, fast foods and high-glycemic carbohydrates, such as refined flours and industrially prepared meals.

Simmer food

Another positive aspect of the delta diet is its stance on cooking methods. The delta diet recommends low temperature heat treatments in order to avoid the formation of trans fatty acids and toxic compounds such as acrylamide.

According to research published in the European Journal of Epidemiology , regular acrylamide intake could be linked to an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer in genetically predisposed women.

Likewise, this feeding method also defends the need to limit the consumption of food additives. Many of them have not shown healthiness in the medium and long term, so the most appropriate thing is to be cautious in this regard.

The delta diet can be protein deficient

Despite the benefits mentioned, it should be noted that the delta diet is susceptible to a protein deficiency. This happens because most foods of animal origin are considered acidic, so he suggests limiting their consumption. As a result, muscle function and mass could be put at risk in the medium term.

Likewise, vitamin B12 and iron deficiencies can occur if the meat intake is not adequate. This can lead to health problems such as anemia .

The delta diet, a wrong principle with a better result

As we have seen, the delta diet is based on a misconception, as the pH of the human body cannot be significantly altered.

However, this does not mean that his approach does not have positive effects, although it does present the risk of not meeting the needs for proteins and some micronutrients. Therefore, before adopting it, we recommend that you consult a professional.

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